龙与地下城单机版好玩吗
游戏之家
游戏资讯
2024-12-06
好玩victoryInstantvictory(瞬间胜利)buildspeed*Setbuildspeedto*(0-fast,100-slow)(建筑速度)fastbuild1Enableinstantbuild(瞬间完成建筑)fastbuild0Disableinstantbuild+exp*Add*experiencepoints-exp*Remove*experiencepoints+gold*Add*gold-gold*Remove*gold(金钱
好玩
victory
Instant
victory
(瞬间胜利)
buildspeed
*
Set
build
speed
to
*
(0-fast,
100-slow)
(建筑速度)
fastbuild
Enable
instant
build(瞬间完成建筑)
fastbuild
Disable
instant
build
+exp
*
Add
*
experience
points
-exp
*
Remove
*
experience
points
+gold
*
Add
*
gold
-gold
*
Remove
*
gold(金钱)
+shards
*
Add
*
to
your
shard
amoun
-shards
*
Remove
*
from
your
shard
amount
+level
*
Degrades
the
level
of
the
selected
unit
by
-level
*
Uprades
the
level(级别)
of
the
selected
unit
by
*
标签
龙与地下城单机版好玩吗
版权声明:本文由上海权中高网络科技有限公司原创或收集发布,如需转载请注明出处。
上一篇:暗黑破坏神,地牢围攻好玩吗
下一篇:龙与地下城好玩还是魔兽世界好玩
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