
游戏之家 游戏资讯 2024-12-06
Redeemed Black LeagueOfficial Name: Russian Government of National Vengeance (national unification)Ideology: UltramilitarismThe Black League of Omsk survived Taboritsky's regime, surviving under Plan Hydra bunkers, but has become twisted beyond recogn

Redeemed Black League

Official Name: Russian Government of National Vengeance (national unification)

Ideology: Ultramilitarism

The Black League of Omsk survived Taboritsky's regime, surviving under Plan Hydra bunkers, but has become twisted beyond recognition. The League witnessed their nation being destroyed not by Germans, but by a Russian turncoat who embraced German ideology. Thus, before combatting the Teuton threat, the Redeemed Black League must cleanse Russia of German influence: a Second Great Trial on the country itself.

• Absolute Xenophobia: Only those born and raised within the Redeemed Black League's borders are considered true Russians. They closely monitor their population, deter or shoot refugees, and brutally subjugate conquered groups.

• Anti-Air: They effectively counter Imperial Airborne Brigades with their Anti-Air guns.

• Dark Is Evil: Having embraced their hatred, the Black League fully purify Russia, removing yellow from their flag.

• Determined: Surviving Taboritsky's empire, they still aim to proceed with the Great Trial, albeit with added conditions.

• Purge: After the disrepair, many cells lost faith in the Great Trial, turning to hired gun or banditry. Those in the ranks face execution.

• Evil Wears Black: Their infantry maintains black uniforms, and even drops the yellow from their flag.

• Enclave Expy: They rise from bunkers to patrol polluted wastelands, fight for control, and purge anyone not from their territory. This is similar to Fallout 2's Enclave.

• Final Solution: They aim to wipe out every Russian that adopts German ways, extending this to Russians not within their territory.

• Gas Mask Mooks: Executing civilians and stealing personal possessions through their use of gas masks.

• Genocide from Within: According to Lazarenko, the Great Trial must first target fellow Russians before Germany, as Russia is tainted by National Socialism. Only those born under auspices are considered pure and valuable.

• Guilt-Free Extermination: The Great Trial, once for Germans, now targets Russians not from their territory.

• Hellish Helicopter: Successfully shooting down a helicopter with their Anti-Air guns.

• He Who Fights Monsters: They redirect their hatred onto their countrymen, becoming like the Holy Russian Empire they seek to cleanse.

• The Horseshoe Effect: They share beliefs with the Aryan Brotherhood and Holy Russian Empire, promoting a small group of Russians as racial elites, oppressing those not part of the group, and believing Russia needs to be reshaped by any means necessary, including gas, bullet, or other methods.

• It Is Beyond Saving: Outsiders and non-believers face execution and subjugation under their rule.

• Kick the Son of a Bitch: Shooting down Imperial Airborne Brigades' aircraft and murdering prisoners, but are less sympathetic victims, as these bandits often harass smaller villages.

• Non-Indicative Name: While called "Redeemed," the Black League still shows insanity, Russia corrupted by Nazi influence, and they believe they are the only pure enough to cleanse it.

• No True Scotsman: Only those born within their borders are considered true Russians, anyone else is deterred or executed.

• Police State: Filled with Internal Security Directorate men, distinguished by gas masks and assault rifles, watching city residents with extreme cruelty for minor offenses.

• The Power of Hate: Their determination to see Germany end fuels their new motivation.

• Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: Forced entire populations to relocate at gunpoint, producing munitions for their war effort.

• The Spartan Way: Their recruits become merciless killers, more beast than man, through a vicious training regime.

• The Stoic: Ordered to obey without emotion, even when slaughtering populations by bullet or hand.

• Thoughtcrime: Forbidden certain opinions and possessions, trying to snuff out potential heterodoxy.

• Training from Hell: Recruits subjected to inhumane training, fighting for scraps, and losers sent to solitary confinement.

• Undying Loyalty: Fanatically devoted to Lazarenko's thesis.

• The Unfettered: Unwavering in their duties, using any means to ensure the Great Trial reaches both Germany and Russia.

• Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Their sorrow at seeing their nation destroyed by Nazis, compounded by a countryman adopting their ways and oppressing others, influences their belief in the Great Trial, but their actions lack justification, especially targeting fellow countrymen.

• You Are What You Hate: Warped from suffering inflicted by the Holy Russian Empire, they declare intentions to wipe out all Russians not within their borders and those not aligning with their ideology. They differ from the Holy Russian remnants only in appearance.


