
游戏之家 游戏资讯 2024-12-05
1. 盗贼衣.血牙:16832,16905~169112. 法师衣.灵风:16818,16912~169183. 牧师衣.卓越:16919~169264. 术士衣.复仇:16927~169345. 猎人.驭龙者液败衫:16935~169426. 萨满.无尽的风暴:16943~169507. 圣骑士.审判:16951~169588. 战士.愤怒:16959~16966传说中的7种武器:1.

1. 盗贼衣.血牙:16832,16905~16911

2. 法师衣.灵风:16818,16912~16918

3. 牧师衣.卓越:16919~16926

4. 术士衣.复仇:16927~16934

5. 猎人.驭龙者液败衫:16935~16942

6. 萨满.无尽的风暴:16943~16950

7. 圣骑士.审判:16951~16958

8. 战士.愤怒:16959~16966


1. 命运:[item 647]

2. 沙赫拉姆黑剑:[item 12592]

3. 提布的炽炎长剑:[item 1728]

4. 院长之杖:[item 13937]

5. 瑞文戴尔之剑:[item 13505]

6. 龙之召唤:[item 10847]


1. Argent Avenger(副手):[item 13246]

2. Typhoon(一把双手剑):[item 13937]

3. Hand of Edward the Odd(据说是PAL的极品锤子):[item 2243]

4. Witchblade(不错的匕首):[item 13964]

5. Keris of Zul'gurub(同上):[item 12582]

6. Circle of Flame(法师戴上会怒发冲冠 呵呵):[item 11808]

7. Elemental Mage Staff(极品仗):[item 944]


1. Giantstalker's Breastplate:[item 16845]

2. Giantstalker's Helmet:[item 16846]

3. Giantstalker's Leggings:[item 16847]

4. Giantstalker's Epaulets:[item 16848]

5. Giantstalker's Boots:[item 16849]

6. Giantstalker's Bracers:[item 16850]

7. Giantstalker's Belt:[item 16851]

8. Giantstalker's Gloves:[item 16852]


1. Lightfe Bracers:[item 16722]

2. Lightfe Belt:[item 16723]

3. Lightfe Gauntlets:[item 16724]

4. Lightfe Boots:[item 16725]

5. Lightfe Breastplate:[item 16726]

6. Lightfe Helm:[item 16727]

7. Lightfe Legplates:[item 16728]

8. Lightfe Spaulders:[item 16729]


1. Boots of Prophecy:[item 16811]

2. Gloves of Prophecy:[item 16812]

3. Circlet of Prophecy:[item 16813]

4. Pants of Prophecy:[item 16814]

5. Robes of Prophecy:[item 16815]

6. Mantle of Prophecy:[item 16816]

7. Girdle of Prophecy:[item 16817]

8. Vambraces of Prophecy:[item 16819]


1. Boots of Transcendence:[item 16919]

2. Handguards of Transcendence:[item 16920]

3. Halo of Transcendence:[item 16921]

4. Leggings of Transcendence:[item 16922]

5. Robes of Transcendence:[item 16923]

6. Pauldrons of Transcendence:[item 16924]

7. Belt of Transcendence:[item 16925]

8. Bindings of Transcendence:[item 16926]


1. Deathbone Girdle:[item 14620]

2. Deathbone Sabatons:[item 14621]

3. Deathbone Gauntlets:[item 14622]

4. Deathbone Legguard:[item 14623]

5. Deathbone Chestplate:[item 14624]


1. Bracers of Ten Storms:[item 16943]

2. Belt of Ten Storms:[item 16944]

3. Epaulets of Ten Storms:[item 16945]

4. Leggates of Ten Storms:[item 16946]

5. Helmet of Ten Storms:[item 16947]

6. Gauntlets of Ten Storms:[item 16948]

7. Greaves of Ten Storms:[item 16949]

8. Breastplate of Ten Storms:[item 16950]


1. Dal'Rend's Tribal Guardian:[item 12939]

2. Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge:[item 12940]


1. Arcanist Crown:[item 16795]

2. Arcanist Leggings:[item 16796]

3. Arcanist Mantle:[item 16797]

4. Arcanist Robes:[item 16798]

5. Arcanist Bindings:[item 16799]

6. Arcanist Slippers:[item 16800]

7. Arcanist Gloves:[item 16801]

8. Arcanist Belt:[item 16802]


1. 蓝色英勇套装(Battlegear of Valor set):

- Breastplate of Valor:[item 16730]

- Helm of Valor:[item 16731]

- Legplates of Valor:[item 16732]

- Spaulders of Valor:[item 16733]

- Boots of Valor:[item 16734]

- Bracers of Valor:[item 16735]

- Belt of Valor:[item 16736]

- Gauntlets of Valor:[item 16737]

2. 紫色力量套装(Battlegear of Might):

- Bracers of Might:[item 16861]

- Sabatons of Might:[item 16862]

- Gauntlets of Might:[item 16863]

- Belt of Might:[item 16864]

- Breastplate of Might:[item 16865]

- Helm of Might:[item 16866]

- Legplates of Might:[item 16867]

- Pauldrons of Might:[item 16868]

3. 紫色愤怒套装(Battlegear of Wrath):

- Bracelets of Wrath:[item 16959]

- Waistband of Wrath:[item 16960]

- Pauldrons of Wrath:[item 16961]

- Legplates of Wrath:[item 16962]

- Helm of Wrath:[item 16963]

- Gauntlets of Wrath:[item 16964]

- Sabatons of Wrath:[item 16965]

- Breastplate of Wrath:[item 16966]


1. 蓝色暗影手艺装备(Shadowcraft Armor):

- Shadowcraft Cap:[item 16707]



