
游戏之家 游戏资讯 2024-12-03
1. Blade Master: Irelia2. Curse of the Damned: Trundle3. Explorer: Ezreal4. Chief of the Bull Tribe: Alistar5. Sadistic Mummy: Amumu6. Phoenix of the Ice Crystal: Anivia7. Dark Fairy: Annie8. Snow Archer: Ashe9. Vacuum Monster: ChoGath10. Reaper of the En

1. Blade Master: Irelia

2. Curse of the Damned: Trundle

3. Explorer: Ezreal

4. Chief of the Bull Tribe: Alistar

5. Sadistic Mummy: Amumu

6. Phoenix of the Ice Crystal: Anivia

7. Dark Fairy: Annie

8. Snow Archer: Ashe

9. Vacuum Monster: ChoGath

10. Reaper of the End: Fiddlesticks

11. Plaguebringer: Gangplank

12. Angel of Judgment: Kayle

13. Void Walker: Kassadin

14. Brave Bomber: Corki

15. Madman of Zuny: Dr. Mundo

16. Death歌手:卡尔萨斯(Karthus)

17. Master of Weapons: Jax

18. Goddess of the Storm: Janna

19. Sword Saint: Yi

20. Widow Maker: Evelynn

21. Knight of the Gem: Tarik

22. Blade Dancer: Katarina

23. Fallen Angel: Morgana

24. God of the Desert: Nasus

25. Yeti Rider: Nunu

26. Armored Turtle: Rammus

27. Wandering Mage: Ryze

28. Goddess of War: Sivir

29. Swift Scout: Teemo

30. Gunvolt: Tristana

31. King of the Barbarians: Tryndamere

32. Card Master: Twisted Fate

33. Source of the Plague: Twitch

34. Alchemist: Singed

35. Mother of the Stars: Soraka

36. Bloodthirsty Hunter: Warwick

37. Guardian of Time: Zilean

38. Inventor: Heimerdinger

39. Jester of Evil: Shaco

40. Feral Huntress: Nidalee

41. Midget Mage: Veigar

42. Steam Robot: Blitzcrank

43. King of War: Pantheon

44. Magma Giant: Malphite

45. Force of Demacia: Garen

46. Heart of the Storm: Kennen

47. Void Prophet: Malzahar

48. Eye of the Twilight: Shen

49. Lord of theSpear: XinZhao

50. Monster from the Abyss: Kog Maw

51. Shadow Fist: Akali

52. Sheriff of Piltover: Caitlyn

53. Sentinel's Lament: Galio

54. Barrel Drunk: Gragas

55. Mystic Assassin: LeBlanc

56. Radiant Lady: Lux

57. Bounty Hunter: Miss Fortune

58. Harpist Fairy: Sona

59. Bloodthirsty Count: Vladimir

60. Goddess of Dawn: Leona

61. Gravedigger: Yorick

62. Dragon Blood Princess: Shyvana

63. Snake Charmer: Cassiopeia

64. Lee Sin

65. Riven

66. Fiora

67. Ziggs

68. Ahri

69. Volibear

70. Lulu

71. War Machine: Hecarim

72. Punisher: Nysus

73. Hand of Noxus: Darius

74. Executioner of Honor: Darius


